My course
artifacts, reflections
and discussion posts
for E-Learning
for Educators are
right here or
Here is a more specific online bookmarker called You can curate your own free online library -- videos, articles, and other resources, including multimedia. Others, who trust your powers of discern-ment, can come to your library and benefit from sharing your trusted resources, just as you can go to those whom you trust! (This is an example of the sharing economy.) My is about the confluence of brain- based learning and eLearning; I call it Brain-based-eLearning! Click to see:
Click here to see
my Moodle Quiz (down-
loadable) or pop it up
below. It's from Module 4 about the connection between brain-based learning and online learning -- I call it Brain-based-eLearning. It's fascinating!
Moodle is an open-source course management system available to schools to create and facilitate their own online courses - for free!
See below to find the Moodle discussion forum topic I created in Module 3 about using tone and voice to communicate safely online.
When we learn
online, how do we
know which information
we research is trustworthy?
"Social bookmarking" programs
are one important way. When
people whose discernment we trust
curate, or collect, online articles and
other content, we can go to their social
bookmarker and share their articles. With one click on Diigo, you can bookmark articles and save them to your own free online library; then others can come to your curated
Diigo library and pick out articles you trust! Click here
Above is a PDF copy of my Moodle quiz. Click on it to see the quiz question and answers. Moodle is an open-source (free) course management system (CMS), so schools can use it to set up their own online learning classrooms.
By creating this quiz and the discussion down below in Moodle, we learned some of the basic elements of a good online class in Moodle.
Below is an example of what Moodle looks like on the inside, in my Mod 3 discussion post. Facilitating a discussion online means choosing the content and then drawing your students out so they make meaning together using techniques of critical thinking.