Reflection - eLearning for Educators

This week through the readings I learned a lot more about how cyberlearning is fostering inquiry-based, creative, and, yes, brain-based learning! It’s supporting curiosity, critical thinking, problem-solving, lifelong, and what is now called deeper learning (which just means higher-order thinking, to my mind). It’s learning by creating and doing. Very exciting! I see my precious brain-based learning as having infused online learning to the nth degree! In short, online learning is changing the whole world of education because of its natural student-centered approach to projects where students learn to think critically, collaborate, solve problems, and communicate effectively.
In pulling together my Scoop-it library (, I was very happy and excited to see how much of the world of education has adopted neuroscience as proof of the efficacy of such learning strategies as referred to above. I started out my formal adventure in education by writing my thesis on how to transform public schools through adapting social and emotional, or brain-based, learning, and here it is all spread out before me in literally countless articles to which I now have access through online learning!!! This is truly exciting. My goal at this point is to track the recent history of this adaptation, as my dream of popularizing brain-based learning is coming true through online learning!
I’m feeling so much better this week as my daughter is well!!! And staying that way!!! Yay!!!
I’m following up on communications and am getting over the technological and confidence hump. I believe I can do this now – practically all the time!