WeBelong School (WeBS) - eLearning for Emotional Healing
"We give you roots so you can grow wings"
WeBelong School's Mission is to provide emotionally safe, socially supportive, and academically rich learning environments to students on a healing journey of recovery from emotional trauma. We serve children and adults who benefit from our creative and self-aware Compassionate Curriculum based on Social-Emotional Learning (SEL - click arrow below).
At WeBelong, our Vision is a Safe Haven School for students on a path of emotional healing who choose self-directed learning in the privacy and protection of their own home, our campus, or an alternative program. (See our educational philosophy on our Bibliography page.) Because WeBelong School (WeBS) has the option of a blended or online-only learning environment it has the flexibility and capacity to meet students literally where they are. WeBelong's theme is water because of its healing attributes. Our campus is near the Atlantic Ocean; you will see examples of water's restorative properties all over the school and this website. Please relax and enjoy!
WeBelong's population consists of online and residential students, both children and adults, who are on a path of emotional healing and recovery within our Compassionate Curriculum. Our students represent the diversity of all social classes, races, gender identities, abilities, cultures, and ethnicities. A few live on our campus; most are far-flung across the globe (see map). We are all connected online through our unique Social Safety Net. Together we make a community of the whole world.
WeBelong School's Funding sources are a private/public partnership financing
a residential and online program whose physical location is in Eastern Long Island and
virtual location is world-wide. Donations, tuition, corporate sponsorships, grants, and
miracles make our program affordable and almost universally available. If you're not
sure you can attend but truly wish to, apply anyway, because we do believe in miracles!
WeBelong's Staff and Board of Directors have as members certified psychologists and teachers, natural, medical, and spiritual healers, and online and protection experts who have undergone rigorous, extensive training in emotional healing.
WeBelong School's Fun!!! Watch out, folks. We're excited about the reality of emotional healing! We're demonstrating that classroom engagement obviates classroom management. And the transformative, exciting magic of educational technology is extremely catching, so you may also find yourself falling under its spell (Puentadura, 2014; Bonk, 2011)*! Soon you might be having so much rich, deep, good, clean fun within a safe and caring community, you may feel extremely blessed.

* On the left is Dr. Ruben Puentadura's SAMR ladder (2014) a model that shows how adding computer technology to the curriculum can transform it and make it really exciting, so creative you can hardly believe it because you've never imagined such rich learning fun before! (Redefinition is similar to Creating in Bloom's Taxonomy of Higher Order Thinking.)
This SAMR ladder (read up) is about progressively implementing educational tech in the classroom and creating online magic (click here for video):

This is exactly
what I have been experiencing.
SAMR Model by Ruben Puentadura. Retrieved from UW-Stout's online learning Assessment in E-Learning D2L course content, James L. Erbe instructor. 2015.

Click on the Play symbol above to see about exciting SAMR.