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WeBelong School (WeBS) - eLearning for Emotional Healing
"We give you roots so you can grow wings"
The Learning Guide is a very interesting element of Content because really, all the essential information is here in one place - and it may not be anywhere else! If you leave things general enough in the CMS, when things change - and they do - you ordinarily only have to change it on the Learning Guide. Say you have link rot (when a link goes old and no longer links) or you use a new edition of a textbook: Instead of having to make sure you change the new information everywhere it is found in the CMS, you only have to change the Learning Guide! Here is Form 9 (Smith), my Learning Guide for Mods 4 and 5. Here's another example, a Learning Guide Susan created for our Instructional Design class!
Here you will find my Safe Syllabus for Emotional Healing Within a Safe Online Community. It is a description of the mini-course that holds two other useful documents within: the course outline and the learning contract. The outline is built upon the forms that you have seen in the previous pages and represents the culmination of the process of building this course. The learning contract is an actual contract I created that the student and teacher both sign, with room for modifications and initials. I realize that students engage in a contract with the school when they enroll, but the teacher and students also have agreements and expectations of each other that I "form"-alized within the syllabus.
Universal Design: Some points of Universal Design (or Accessible Design, making courses available to all people with all abilities) in these modules are alt tags on graphics, sub-titles on films, use of audio, visual or kinesthetic self-reflections and final projects, and phone calls. SEL is inherently universal in design as it addresses students' emotional needs - the very purpose of WeBS!
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